Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Covered with Care

Covered with Care is a charity organization for people diagnosed with rare kinds of cancer or diagnosed at a younger than normal age with cancer.  Our goal is to supply them with blankets and/or afghans that they can use during treatment and/or recovery.  If you know of someone that you would like to recommend to receive a blanket/afghan, please send an email to that includes the following information:
1. Person's name
2. Their address
3. Type of cancer and age diagnosed
4. A little bit about their diagnosis/ story
5. Any colors that they dislike or absolutely would not want (As blankets/afghans are primarily being secured through donations, we can not guarantee that any specific color will be available, but this will hopefully avoid anyone receiving a color that they would dislike)

The ability to help people does depend on the availability of blankets/afghans that we have.    If you would like to help by donating blankets and/or afghans, we would greatly appreciate them being sent to the following address:
Covered with Care
11406 W Queensway Dr.
Temple Terrace, FL 33617

Covered with Care is not an IRS recognized, tax-deductible charity.

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